Emergency Dental Care
If you have an unexpected dental development or have experienced dental trauma, Smileaway Family Dentistry provides emergency dental care in Cordova, Tennessee, through our competent and experienced dentist and team. We encourage you to call 901-334-1900 as soon as possible for an appointment with Dr. Veena Ammal so you can receive the help you need.
Our office understands that sometimes the unexpected happens. That is why our dentist and team offer emergency dental care for patients who have had a dental emergency. Dental emergencies are situations where the patient needs urgent dental attention. We encourage you to call our office as soon as possible if you need emergency dental care. Dental emergencies include:
Knocked-out or loose teeth
Chipped or broken teeth
Fractured molars
Damage or cuts to the soft tissue of the mouth, such as inner cheeks, lips, gums, or tongue
Missing dental fillings, crowns, or implants
Acute, long-lasting toothaches
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or emergencies, please give our dental office a call today. Our team will promptly schedule you to receive the care you need and provide you with instructions on how to take care of your smile during the interim. If you have experienced more extreme trauma to your head, neck, or jaw, please see your primary physician or visit the emergency room before making an appointment at our office. Your safety is our first priority. For more information about emergency dental care at our office, call us today and schedule a visit with our prompt dentist and efficient team.